Laid In Earth is a tiny baroque opera in a 8x9.5x16" reflective acrylic box-maquette holding 3 inches of dyed water.
Enacting the famous aria, Dido’s Lament, from Henry Purcell’s baroque opera, Dido and Aeneas, Laid In Earth places Dido, the queen of Carthage, in an abstract swampland. Queen Dido professes to be “laid in earth”, consumed by nature, as she pleads to be remembered by the grandeur of her life, not the vulnerability of her pain. Dido is a tragic character, created on the precipice of her own ruins. The box theater maquette invites the viewer into the spectacle of opera, the magic of cinema, and the tactility of an object, creating a dynamic stage for this re-visioning of a baroque icon.
Directed and performed by Yara Travieso
In collaboration with Artist Mira Lehr.
Shot by Michael Fryd
Edit and Effects by Yara Travieso
Laid In Earth, 2013 was presented with Flomenhaft Gallery, Chelsea NY and REVERSE gallery, Brooklyn, NY.