”RITUALES DOS” is a series of rituals created for film photography in collaboration with artist Yara Travieso, film photographer Eleonora Privitera, & hair/makeup artist Melissa Guevara. The rituals consist of Travieso’s self rebirth portrayed by Travieso’s own braid doubling as her umbilical chord. The ritual is meant to signal to Travieso’s body a matriarchal strength that lives outside childbearing. Taken during the years her body is officially considered “geriatric” for a pregnancy in western medicine, the ritual also serves as a rebellion against all expectations for reproductive bodies. The second part of the ritual portrays an intimate relationship between Travieso and the earth. The romance between the two serves as a re-wiring of Travieso’s nervous system inherited from her matriline, which has been programmed to fear being naked and alone in the wild for fear of various threats to her femme body. By completely surrendering, Travieso rejects her bodies’ own programming to run for cover, and instead receives what the earth wants to provide her with.